There are certain household purchases that should be given serious consideration before pulling the trigger, and investing in a new HVAC unit falls under that category. Having healthy, efficient heating and cooling systems in your home is extremely important—especially when the harsher weather of the Vancouver, BC winters and summers comes around. Most homeowners realize that selecting the right type of HVAC system for their household is important. However, far fewer realize that choosing the right time to make that purchase can also be quite impactful. If you’re considering making this significant investment for your home, it’s worth taking some time to consider a few factors beforehand.

Is It Time to Replace Your Current HVAC Unit?

The most common reason why people purchase new HVAC units is that they think their older system needs to be replaced. When that time comes, there’s no sense in letting a declining unit linger for months. As the aging HVAC system continues to deteriorate, its performance, energy efficiency, and overall equipment health will continue to trend in the wrong direction. And eventually, the unit might break down completely, which is sure to be a massive inconvenience. On the other hand, if your household HVAC unit still has a few productive years left, it may make more sense to get as much out of it as you can. That way, you can use the extra time to put away some money for the eventual HVAC replacement. So, how do you determine whether or not it’s time to replace your current HVAC system?

On average, household HVAC units will last for roughly 10 to 15 years before they start to lose their effectiveness. That said, the specific lifespan of your system will depend on a variety of factors, including how well you’ve cared for it, how frequently you use it, and the size of your home. Once your HVAC unit passes the decade mark, though, you’d be wise to start paying closer attention to its condition and performance. When it starts to near the end of its productive lifespan, it will most likely start to display certain warning signs that it’s running out of steam.

If you notice any of the following red flags with your aging HVAC system, it may be the right time to invest in a replacement.
  • Struggling to control household climate
  • Rising energy bills
  • System needing more frequent repairs
  • Noisy operation

Brand-new HVAC units typically run very smoothly and efficiently, so if your older system is starting to decline, the differences you’ll notice after upgrading should be significant. That said, replacing a deteriorating unit isn’t the only reason you may want to purchase a new HVAC system.

Upgrading Your HVAC Unit for Other Reasons

There are quite a few situations in which upgrading to a new HVAC unit is a valid, sensible choice. One such possibility is your current system having a significant problem that requires a major, expensive repair. Even if you’ve only had the unit for five or 10 years, you may decide that it doesn’t make sense to spend a couple of thousand dollars on an HVAC repair job when you could instead put that money toward a brand-new system. If that’s the situation you’re dealing with, it could very well be the right time to pull the trigger on the purchase.

You might also encounter a situation in which either your heating or cooling system needs to be replaced, whereas the other appliance is still in good condition. Many homeowners prefer to purchase their furnace and air conditioner at the same time, and that’s typically the most cost-effective route to take. In that case, it may be a good time to replace your entire HVAC unit, even if your heating or cooling system still has a few good years left in it.

Finally, you may simply decide that you’re ready to upgrade to an HVAC unit that offers better energy efficiency. Heating and cooling systems are becoming more efficient and effective all the time, and even if you’ve only had your current HVAC system for five or so years, there are likely units available today with much better energy efficiency. Plus, modern systems tend to offer a variety of nifty features that can improve your home’s comfort and functionality.

Signs It's Time To Replace Your HVAC Unit

Ultimately, if you’re considering replacing your household HVAC unit, only you and your family can decide whether or not it’s the right time. Before making such a significant investment, you should evaluate your needs and your current situation, and it’s always a good idea to weigh the pros and cons. That said, when it comes to the time of the year that you purchase a new system, there are certain seasons that are objectively better than others if you’re looking to save some money.

Certain Seasons Offer Advantages

Although it isn’t always possible, it’s advantageous if you can be intentional about which time of the year you choose to purchase a new HVAC unit. Obviously, if your current system dies on you, there’s not much you can do other than promptly replace it. However, if you have the opportunity to plan ahead a bit, the best times to invest in a new unit are during spring and autumn. These seasons typically feature significantly milder weather than summer and winter, and that can be beneficial for several reasons.

Heating and air conditioning unit

One advantage of buying a new HVAC system when the weather is mild is that you can likely go a few days without heating or cooling without being too miserable. Usually, the process of replacing your HVAC unit requires a bit of time with no system in your home, and if it isn’t too hot or cold out, that time will be much more tolerable. Alternatively, going without AC for a few days in July or without heat in January could be extremely difficult to deal with. There’s also the fact that demand for HVAC systems tends to be much higher when the weather outside is harsh. During summer and winter, many homeowners in the Vancouver area will be shopping for new units, and that means that prices may be higher and HVAC contractors will be busier. So, in addition to paying more, you may also have to wait longer to get an appointment scheduled.

On the flip side, HVAC dealers will often have more inventory than they know what to do with during the spring and fall seasons. As a result, you’ll likely have more options to choose from and better prices available, and there may be other incentives and benefits offered to you as well. For example, many contractors during the slower seasons will provide more flexible financing options and opportunities for money-saving rebates.

At Western Pacific Heating, Cooling & Airflow, we’re proud to provide exceptional heating and cooling services to the greater Vancouver, BC, area. Since 2020, we’ve been working hard to offer our customers next-level services with a fresh perspective. In addition to our work on heating and cooling systems, our team also provides water heater repair and installation as well as air purification services. If you’d like to schedule an appointment, simply give our offices a call today!

Contact Western Pacific Heating, Cooling & Airflow today!

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